Welcome to the C_CAD website!

Vision Statement

Colorado Caribbean American Diaspora is a nonprofit organization that encourages and supports Caribbean communities with educational resources, to enhance economic and social opportunities.

Mission Statement

Colorado Caribbean American Diaspora is committed to providing educational resources and opportunities to Caribbean communities through the provision of educational supplies.

Who We Are

Founded in 2010, Colorado Caribbean American Diaspora (C_CAD) stems from the desire to give back to Caribbean and American communities.

Improving education in the Caribbean is very important to us as an organization and is a reminder that as we in America progress, many of our neighbors, families and friends in the Caribbean are falling behind. To help provide globally competitive educational opportunities, C_CAD has donated several thousand dollars in school supplies to deserving schools in the Caribbean.

Our giving also extends locally, as C_CAD performs volunteer work with many community foundations such as Stand-Up-For-Kids and Children's Hospital.

Established in Colorado, C_CAD is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.


President: Eric Reynolds
Vice President: Judith Donaldson
Secretary: Melocent Scotland
Treasurer: Lorna Dacres-Green
Public Relations: Briony Wilson
Assistant Public Relations: Charmaine Robinson

Scholarship Application

Scholarship App